• Canine obesity is a growing and common problem, with many studies suggesting that 40-50 per cent of dogs are overweight
• The main cause of canine obesity is overfeeding and insufficient exercise
• In overweight dogs, all body structures prematurely age and can lead to shortened lifespan.
• An overweight dog is more at risk if undergoing surgery; is susceptible to injury; and will experience stress on the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and joints. As the fat increases, so does the risk of developing cardiac, digestive and circulatory problems, diabetes, arthritis, fatigue, exercise and heat intolerance
• As in humans, being overweight is not only a cardiovascular danger, it also puts unnecessary strain on joints and ligaments. The same applies to man’s best friend. Overloading an animal’s joints, and compounding this with reduced exercise, can cause poor muscle tone and fitness leading to conditions such as soft tissue injuries and joint strain
Factors that increase your pet’s chances of being overweight:
• Breed – certain breeds are predisposed to obesity. These include Basset Hounds, Beagles, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Cocker Spaniels, Cairn Terriers, Dachshunds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers and Shetland Sheepdogs
• Feeding and Lifestyle – food portion size, type of food fed and amount of exercise
• Hypothyroidism – a medical condition characterised by an under active thyroid more commonly associated with older dogs. Symptoms to look out for include: poor coat and skin, increased appetite and thirst, stiff joints and limbs, lameness or muscle pain. Report any signs to your vet who will advise on an appropriate course of treatment.
Checking your pet is overweight or obese:
Owners don’t always know how to check the correct weight of their dog. Dogs will vary in height, bone and muscle structure – so there is no ‘correct’ weight for a dog, whatever the breed.
To check whether a dog is overweight, you need to examine the hips, the ribs and the neck.
• Checking the hips – run your hand over your dog’s hindquarters. You should feel the bumps of two pelvic bones without applying pressure
• Checking the ribs – place your thumbs on the dog’s back and run them along the backbone with your fingers over the ribs. If necessary, push into the fur to do this if it is thick. You should be able to feel the bumps of the ribs without applying any pressure. If you can’t feel the ribs, your dog is overweight
• Checking the neck – push your thumb and index finger into the flesh at side of the neck above the shoulder and pinch together. If your fingers are more than half an inch apart, your dog is overweight.
Other ways to check if your dog is overweight:
• When looking at your dog from the side, the abdomen should not be hanging down
• When looking at your dog from above, you should be able to see a waist behind the ribs
• With your dog standing on all fours, place your hands on each side of your dog’s chest. You should be able to feel the ribs. Your dog is too thin if you can see the ribs or they are protruding – and is overweight if you need to apply pressure to feel them.
Reducing the calories:
• If you think your dog is overweight, don’t do anything until you have discussed the matter with your vet. S/he will be able to provide you with a detailed feeding and exercise plan, if necessary
• If you are given a weight-reduction plan, be sure that you follow it! Weight loss should be a gradual process so it is important that you help your dog keep it up
• Ask your vet about regular follow-ups as you need to see if the plan is working. This may happen at set intervals until your dog reaches the desired weight

• Seek advice from your vet on the kind of treats you can feed your dog whilst on the weight- reduction plan. Note: Begging for food or looking sad does not necessarily mean your dog is still hungry!
• Don’t add on extra calories by giving away high fat snacks, which you might be consuming. If you feel the need to share, make sure you reduce the amount that is fed in the next meal
• Keep food out of your dog’s sight and reach. Watch them around children who are eating and keep your dog away from bin bags to prevent stealing/raiding
• Make sure you follow the prescribed portion sizes for meals and treats and that everyone in the family is aware of the plan
• Don’t forget the exercise! Exercise and healthy eating go hand in hand. Ideally you want to build up an exercise program that lasts between 30-60 minutes. If your breed of dog is particularly susceptible to weight gain, make sure they get enough exercise to burn off their food
• If you succeed in helping your dog reach an ideal weight, help keep it off. Talk to your vet about a maintenance program.

Canine Fitness:
Different breeds develop at different rates. Each owner should seek fitness advice from their veterinarian for their specific dog.
When considering the type and extent of exercise to give your dog, it is worth considering the following points:
• Elderly or unfit dogs have very different activity requirements from adult busy working dogs and this should be considered when dogs of different ages are living together within one household
• Owners need to be aware that young dogs should not be over-exercised. Young dogs, until they’re skeletally mature, should not be taken for long walks or be chasing balls at full speed as they are not yet fully developed and are at high risk of muscle, ligament, tendon or bony injury
• Common canine health conditions can be divided into forelimb and hind limb problems. These can be associated with growth disorders or may result from overuse or traumatic injuries.

Common health problems:
• The forelimb carries most of the dog’s weight and therefore physiotherapists see many concussive injuries such as cartilage damage. In the hind limb, growth and overuse injuries often present together
• Hip dysplasia, the incidence of which is directly proportional to the increasing height and weight of a dog, has become very common
• Stifle injuries like cranial cruciate ligament strains are diagnosed frequently by veterinary surgeons. Some dogs are genetically predisposed to this injury due to the biomechanics (shape of) their hind limbs. Obesity and lack of fitness can also contribute to this condition by the joint carrying unnecessary weight and poor muscle tone supporting the joint, respectively. Turning at high speeds or going from high speed to stopping very rapidly i.e. slamming on the brakes or changing direction suddenly at full pace – for example, chasing a ball or stick at full speed, running down the stairs rapidly and having to change direction immediately at the bottom – are other risk factors.
Spotting a health problem:
The common symptoms dog-owners can look out for are a resting limb; sudden reluctance to jump in and out of the car or play with other dogs; less interaction with the family; less keen on walks or playtime; subdued behavior or a reluctance to be touched or groomed.
Prevention is better than cure
As with most things, prevention is often the key when it comes to good health. There are a number of measures owners can take when caring for a dog. The following are actions are advised:
• Lift young or old dogs in and out of cars or provide a ramp for access
• Transport dogs in a travel cage or behind a guard to keep them secure in the event of a road accident and to prevent accidents
• Minimize the area of slippery floors in the home to prevent skidding and falling over
• Prevent your dog from charging up and down the stairs at great speed
• Provide regular exercise, controlled on lead initially for warm up followed by running off the lead. Ideally you want to build up an exercise program that lasts between 30-60 minutes depending on the breed. This is very individualized as some dogs will require substantially more intensive daily exercise. Pay attention to your dog and it's behavior. That hyperactive 2 year old labrador will likely require atleast an hour of intense aerobic exercise daily to satisfy it's needs and tire it out. However your 8 year old pekinese might be fine with a 20 or 30 minute fast walk every day.
Active games like ‘fetch’ or playing with other dogs are fine providing your dog is of the right age, size and shape, and is physically fit but do keep in mind the ways to minimize the risk of injury. A good addition to land based fitness work is hydrotherapy. With the warmer summer months coming there are many swimming holes that welcome our canine friends. Try White's Pond near Concord. A wonderful place for dogs and their owners to enjoy some sun, sand and water play together. Don't forget that Walden Pond is NOT dog friendly. A pooch wouldn't want to sit in the car while you had fun in the sun, not to mention the dangers of leaving dogs in the car in the warmer months! Cars can become dangerous places in a matter of a few short minutes as the temperatures rise. Think about how hot that car can be when you open the door and get in ona warm day. Now imagine your dog sitting in there. Limit your dogs time in unairconditioned cars while in the summer. If you must run into the atm for a minute- park in the shade and roll down windows for cross ventilation. Have a travel bowl filled with water for the dog..... and make sure it is only for a minute! Heat exhaustion is dangerous and avoidable!
Other tips for exercising your dog:
• Check claws don’t get too long as this can affect dogs’ activity
• Provide fresh water, as a good workout makes pooches and people thirsty!
• On warmer days limit the exercise to mornings and late in the day as to lessen the risks of heat exhaustion. Exercise in a shaded area, take breaks often to check in on your dog and stop immediatly if the dog seems to be in distress. Know the directions to the closet vet hospital and don't be hesitant to go there if your dog may have heat stroke. Be safe...not sorry!
• Provide a soft, warm and dry place for them to rest.
1 comment:
I don't think a fat dog looks cute because I know that something is going wrong about it. Overfeeding an animal is like killing it slowly; just mean people would be capable of doing such an evil action like that. I rather having viagra online to share nice times with my wife.
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